Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Appearing Card

Effect: A spectator picks a card out of a shuffled deck. You put it with three random cards, palce the cards at the bottom of the deck, and shuffle. You take three cards from the bottom of the deck and ask the spectator if any of those are his. None are. These are laid on the table, one of the cards is flipped over, and the selection appears on the table.


Ask a person to shuffle the cards and then choose one card. Have them give you the deck. Take three cards from the bottom. Tell the spectator to put their on top of those three, then to place the four cards at the bottom of the deck.

shuffle the deck, but be sure to keep the four bottom cards in the same spot. Shuffle the cards a couple of times. Now take the first bottom card and place it face down on the table. Take the new bottom card and put it at the top of the deck. Place the other two bottom cards face down on the table. The last card you put down is the spectator's card. Be sure you have that card at the top of the tabled pile. Set the rest of the deck aside.

Pick up the tabled cards. Square them up, and hold them so the spectator can see the face of just the bottom card. Ask if this is their card. They will say no. Lower the cards so they so they are in dealing position and quickly deal the top card (actually their card) onto the table. If you do this naturally, without comment, they will think you dealt the card you just showed them.

Show them the top card from those in your hand, and ask if it is theirs.Again they will say no. Lay this card on the table. Finally, show them the last card in your hand and ask if it's the selection. When they say no, put this card onto the other two. Ask them what their card was. When they tell you, use the other two cards (like spatula) to flip their card face up on the table. You have made their card appear!


Sudipta Das said...

One of my relatives showed me a trick and it was great and I want to know and learn how he did it. He told me to pick up a paper and he wrote what he thought I was thinking about and then I told him the color and then he told me to pick between black and white and then he wrote it down and then I told him. And then they were all right. So how does he do it? He didn’t agree to teach me that.
Sudipta das
magic corp

Aaron Tan said...

nice file! Magic Tricks Tutorial is a website that share card magic tricks and perform cool experiments such as how to make MagicTools in basic concept. It also has a step by step Tricks Tutorial and lastly in every Magic Tutorial there is an magic tricks revealed
section for explanation in each tricks.