Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Float a Card Tutorial

Appearing Card

Effect: A spectator picks a card out of a shuffled deck. You put it with three random cards, palce the cards at the bottom of the deck, and shuffle. You take three cards from the bottom of the deck and ask the spectator if any of those are his. None are. These are laid on the table, one of the cards is flipped over, and the selection appears on the table.


Ask a person to shuffle the cards and then choose one card. Have them give you the deck. Take three cards from the bottom. Tell the spectator to put their on top of those three, then to place the four cards at the bottom of the deck.

shuffle the deck, but be sure to keep the four bottom cards in the same spot. Shuffle the cards a couple of times. Now take the first bottom card and place it face down on the table. Take the new bottom card and put it at the top of the deck. Place the other two bottom cards face down on the table. The last card you put down is the spectator's card. Be sure you have that card at the top of the tabled pile. Set the rest of the deck aside.

Pick up the tabled cards. Square them up, and hold them so the spectator can see the face of just the bottom card. Ask if this is their card. They will say no. Lower the cards so they so they are in dealing position and quickly deal the top card (actually their card) onto the table. If you do this naturally, without comment, they will think you dealt the card you just showed them.

Show them the top card from those in your hand, and ask if it is theirs.Again they will say no. Lay this card on the table. Finally, show them the last card in your hand and ask if it's the selection. When they say no, put this card onto the other two. Ask them what their card was. When they tell you, use the other two cards (like spatula) to flip their card face up on the table. You have made their card appear!

Any Way You Count 'Em

Shuffle the cards well. Holding them face down, turn over the top card and place it face up on the table. Think of its as a stack. Starting with its face value, deal face up on top of it as many more cards as needed to reach 10. For instance if it's a 3,deal seven cards on top of it; if it's a 5, deal five cards. Face cards count as 10, so no more cards are needed. An ace count as 1 and needs nine more cards.

Continue making stacks as above, keeping them separate, until the deck is exhausted. If there are not enough cards to complete a final stack, keep that incomplete stack in your hand. Now choose at random any three stacks that contain at least four cards each, and turn these stacks face down.

Gather all the remaining cards in any order and add them to the cards (if any) in your hand. Pick any two of the three face-down stacks on the table, and turn up the top card on each of those two piles. Add their values together. Discard that many cards from those in your hand, and then discard 19 additional cards.

Count the remaining cards in your hand. Now turn up the top card of third stack. Its value will equal the number of cards in your hand.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Quick As a Wink CArd Trick

Quick As A Wink Card Trick - Funny bloopers R us

Amazing Ace Stopper: Ultimate Card Trick

Effect: The magician riffles down through a borrowed deck and tells a spectator to say stop at any point. The magician cuts off the cards above that point, turns them face up, and replaces them on the deck. Then he spreads the deck from the top until he reaches the first face down card. The magician puts this card face down on the table. He repeats this process three times. When the four card are flipped over, they are found to be all four aces!!!!

Before the trick starts, remove the four aces and any two other cards. Make two face-up pile of two aces each. Lay one odd card on each pile. Pick up one pile of three cards, turn it face down, and lay it on the other pile. Pick up all six cards and lay them on top of the face-down deck. You're ready to present the trick.

Starting below the top 6 cards, riffle you finger down the edge of the deck and ask the spectator to say stop. Keep the deck squared up so he or she won't see the 3 face-up cards. At the point where he says stop, and replace them on the deck. Then look through the deck from the top down. When you get to the first face-down card, put it face down on the table. (it will be an ace). Turn the face-up cards face face down and put them on the bottom of bthe deck. Repeat this 3 times, being careful not to reveal the secret face-up cards, and the spectator will always stop on the 4 aces. Don't repeat it to the same crowd!

Suggestion: It's hard to keep the audience from glimpsing one of the secret face-up cards when you're fanning down through the deck. I've found that you need not give the audience a full view of the fan until you've found the first face-down card. You can hold the fan horizontally and look down at it so that it's edgewise to the audience. When you find the first face-down card, you can make sure that no secret cards are showing before you tip down the fan and show it to the spectators. You can also increase your safety margin by putting two odd cards on each stack of aces rather than one. This give you more leeway when you're fanning down through the cards. Note that if you do this, the first face-up card will appear 8 cards above the point where you cut the deck.

Friday, March 7, 2008

After Drinks

Effect: The audience is given two random cards. They look at them, but the magician doesn't see them. The audience inserts the cards into the deck, and without shuffling; the magician throw the deck into a chair, but somehow manages to pick up the two cards, holding them in front of the gaping audience members.

How IT'S Done: This is a trick of the mind.

You prepare the deck this way: pick two cards of different suits, but the same color, such as the Eight of Spades, and Three of Clubs. These are the cards you are going to give to the audience. Next, pick the "opposites" of the cards: the Eight of Clubs, and the Three of spades. Put the opposite cards at the top and bottom of the deck- Eight of Clubs on top, Three of Spades on bottom. And the "real" cards both go on top.

Without too much explanation, deal the two top cards out, face down, and let the audience look at them. Next, let them insert the cards back into the deck.

Make sure they can see that you're not doing ANYTHING to the deck. Hold the deck between your thumb on top, and your fingers on the bottom. Swing the deck back and forth a few times (make sure they can't see the bottom card, though!) Perhaps you count 1,2,3 and then throw the deck into a chair ( or couch, or something, where it'll be easy to pick up.) As you throw the deck, hold onto the top and bottom card with your thumb and middle finger. IMMEDIATELY hold the cards up for all to see.

It helps if you position yourself so that the audience doesn't turn their heads around to watch where you threw the cards. You should be close to th chair you throw the deck into, so you can draw their attention back to the two cards you held onto.

They picked the Eight of Spades, Three of Clubs- but you are holding the Eight of Clubs, Three of Spades. It's VERY rare that anybody notices.

A Poker Player's Picnic (Video tutorial)

Amazing Aces Magic Trick - Click here for funny video clips

A Poker Player's Picnic

You shuffle a deck of regular cards and hand them to the spectator. The spectator cuts the deck into 4 piles. He picks up the first pile and fools with the order of the cards, then repeats this action for the other 3 piles. When you turn over the top cards of each pile, the spectator sees that they are all aces.

First say this something like it to the spectator: "You know that cheating at poker is really very easy, don't you? You look like a good poker player. I'm sure you are able to cheat petty good, right? Well, let's see if we can uncover your hidden talent."

1. Before you begin, place all 4 aces on top of the deck.

2. Shuffle the deck a few times. using a fake overhand shuffle or any other fake shuffle that will protect the top 4 cards.

3. Give the cards the to the spectator and have him cut the deck into 4 piles( one of which contain all 4 aces)

4. Label the packet A,B,C, and D (D containing the 4 aces )

5. Tell the spectator to pick up packet A, take 3 cards from the top and places them on the bottom, then deal a card from the packet he is holding onto each of the other three packet (B, C, D).

6. Repeat step 5 for the other 3 packets.

7. Remark that you have in no way manipulated the cards and the spectator cut the deck himself into 4 piles.

8. Finally, turn over the top card of each pile and his astonishment, each card is an ace.

Tell him that you knew he was a good poker cheater all along and leave him in awe

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Amazing Coin Vanish Trick 1

Amazing Coin Vanish Trick(revealed) - A funny movie is a click away

4 Friendly Kings

Do the first 3 step away from your audience or pre-prepared.

1. Take the four Kings out of the deck, and also two other cards.

2. Fan the four Kings out, and place the two other cards you selected behind the second King. Line them up so your audience cannot see the other cards.

3. Show the Kings to the spectators.

4.Place the Kings (and the two secret cards) face down on the top of the deck.

5. Tell the audience that the four Kings are good friends, and they don't let anything get between them.

6.Place the top King on the bottom of the deck. You may show the audience this card.

7. Place the next card (not aking) into the centre of the deck.

8. Repeat step 7.

9. Leave the fourth card on the top. You may show the audience that it is a King.

10. Explain that the Kings are real good friends and will soon be back together.

11. Cut the deck in the middle, and put the bottom half on the top.

12. Search the deck for the four kings. They have been magically moved next to each other.

BAR MAGIC: Anti Gravity Beer

Effect: An annoying person returns from the toilet to find their bottle of beer has been upside down without any beer falling out. The bottle is then handed to them when the beer spills all over the place.

You need:

A packet of cigarettes
A full bottle of beer
A beer mat
Sharp scissors or a knife
A pair of running shoes

Take the plastic wrapper off the cigarette packet and cut a circle just big enough to cover the rim of the bottle, wet the rim and stick the plastic on top of the bottle. Place a beer mat on top of the bottle and holding the beer mat turn the bottle upside down. When your friend returns, it will look like the beer is defying gravity. While they are still amazed, ask them to take a seat and hand them the inverted bottle. Tap the bottom of the bottle gently and run as fast as you can, as your friend gets soaked with beer.

cool magic card trick

Cool Magic Card Trick - Funny bloopers are a click away

The next card I turn is your card..

Effect: Illusionist riffles through the deck, and asks the spectator to say "stop" before reaching the end of the deck.Spectator takes the card, replaces it on the top of the deck, and then cuts the deck a few times. Then, the illusioninst takes a few cards from the bottom and counts them down, placing each counted card face up. The spectator will notice that his card is among those dealt to the table. Suddenly the illusionist stops counting and says:"Do you belive that the next card bI turn over, will be your cards???"The spectator replies "no", since he saw his card dealt already, and there is no way his card is next. The illusionist then reaches over to the table, takes the chosen card, and turns it over!

Method: After shuffling the deck, take a sneak peek at the bottom card, and remeber what it is. When the spectator choose his card, take it and place it on top of the deck, or have them place it on top. Now, when you cut the deck, the card you secretly remebered will be lying on top of the spectator's card.

Cut the deck a few more times. You can even let the spectator cut it. Turn the cards over, and find the spectator's card. It will be the one lying on top of the secret card. When I saying "on top", I mean that if you are looking at the faces of the cards (which you should be doing, since you are looking for the spectator's card), you will see the spectator's card BEFORE you see the secret card.

If the bottom card (The first one you see when looking) is the secret card, then either to last card in the deck will be the spectator's card, or your trick went wrong. Be carefull not to cut the deck too many times. Once you find the spectator's card, count about 5 or 6 more cards, and put the rest down.

Since you know which card the spectator chose, the rest is simple. Deal all the cards one-by-one frok the top (face down) until you deal the spectator's card. Try to make sure that the spectator see's you dealing his card, and then deal 3 or 4 more cards. You should have at least 3 or 4 cards still in your hand.

Now, ask the spectator the big question, and when they say "no" (which they should, since they saw you pass their card), reach into the dealt cards, grab speactator's card, and turn it over. Voila!!!

49er Fools Gold

Effect: Spectator selects a card from among 49 lying on the table,and the magician is able to find it,and even bet some fools gold on it.

Method: No preparation necessary. From an ordinary deck of card (without the jokers) have a spectator select any three cards. Throw these aside while planning "Those three cards we aren't going to use." Then deal the remaining 49 card face up in seven rows of seven cards. Overlap the cards in each column so that they're all visible and can be slid together without disarranging their order. Deal quickly so the audience knows you can't memorize them. Have the spectator mentally select one of the cards and show the columns it's in. Scoop up the column it up, taking care not to disturb the order of the cards. Then scoop up the other columns, keeping the mystery in the middle of the group (column,column,column, mystery-card column, column, column, column). Again do this quickly so that there is no time for memorization. Deal the card again in seven rows of seven cards and again ask which column the mystery card is in.

No matter which column is selected, you will know that the mystery card is the middle (4th) card in the column. You can glance at the middle card of the picked column as you scoop it up, again being careful not disturb the order of the cards and picking up the mystery-card column so that it is the middle column.

Fools Gold Ending: Start dealing the cards face up, scattering them on the table. The 25th card will be the mystery card, but continue past it for about four more cards. I make it look as though I've completely screwed up the trick. I then challenge the spectator: "I'll bet you 500pound of fools gold that the next card I turn over is the one you choose". Since the mystery card is already lying face up on the table, most people will jump at the bet and may even bet real money. Then reach into the mess on the table and turn the mystery card face down. A guaranteed jaw dropper.

Ending variation:

1) Just turn over 2 cards, then issue the fools gold challenge. The 25th card will be the mystery one.

2)After the second deal, the mystery column can be picked up first (mystery column, column, column, column,c olumn, column, column), second or third. If the mystery column is first, cont three cards off the deck and the forth card card will be the mystery card. If it's second, show the 11th card: if it's third, show the 18th card.

3) After the second deal, pick up the mystery-card column first (so that it's is on top of the deck). Put the deck behind your back and take the first three cards off the top of the deck and place them on the bottom. Take the mystery card and flip it over, face up, and insert into midlle of the deck. Then bring out the deck, over,roll over, red-rover, roll over. "Then pass the deck to the spectator and tell him (or her) that his card should be easy to find. The mystery-card has flipped over in the middle of the deck, to his astonishment.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Very Cool and Easy Card Vanish!

Learn how to make a card easily vanishes! it looks real if right done, see it and learn it now to amaze your friends!

Very Cool And Easy Card Vanish! - The most popular videos are a click away

The Vanishing Diamond

Effect: Three aces are shown, the club, spade and diamond. You turn them face down and place them, one at the time into a full pack of cards and have a volunteer shuffle them. Now have them find the aces. They can’t find the Aces of Diamonds-then you pull it from your pocket.

Method: You really have the Ace of diamonds in your pocket at the start of the trick. The Ace of Diamonds that you show is really the Ace of Hearts held upside down and covered with the two black aces as shown in the top illustration. This creates the illusion that you are showing the ace of diamonds. Once again-the rest is acting!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2 of a Kind

Effect: The magician picks out two card. He has the spectator cut the deck. He flips over the cards that he picked, and then he flips over the card of the deck that was cut. The cards match.

Method: Shuffle the deck so the spectator doesn't think you've rigged it. Tell them that you will pick two cards. Go through the deck making sure you look at the bottom and the top cards of the deck. Pick out the cards that matches the bottom card. (If the bottom card is a Four of Hearts, you would pick out the Four of Diamonds to match it). Then pick out of a card that match that is the same as the top card. Ask the spectator to cut the deck. Take the first card, the one on top of the original top of the deck, and flip it over. Flip the bottom half of the deck over completely. Flip over the cards you picked. They all match!

The Friendly Cards

A very easy card trick that anyone can do. Very impressive with a kicker ending.

The Friendly Cards - Funny blooper videos are here