Thursday, March 6, 2008

BAR MAGIC: Anti Gravity Beer

Effect: An annoying person returns from the toilet to find their bottle of beer has been upside down without any beer falling out. The bottle is then handed to them when the beer spills all over the place.

You need:

A packet of cigarettes
A full bottle of beer
A beer mat
Sharp scissors or a knife
A pair of running shoes

Take the plastic wrapper off the cigarette packet and cut a circle just big enough to cover the rim of the bottle, wet the rim and stick the plastic on top of the bottle. Place a beer mat on top of the bottle and holding the beer mat turn the bottle upside down. When your friend returns, it will look like the beer is defying gravity. While they are still amazed, ask them to take a seat and hand them the inverted bottle. Tap the bottom of the bottle gently and run as fast as you can, as your friend gets soaked with beer.

1 comment:

Aaron Tan said...

nice beer trick!haha this can also use for pranks haha

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